
From 1984 to 1986 I was at the head of an Alcatel  telecom team for OPT in Gabon based in Libreville.
During my spare time more than 25000 qso's were done.
Most in CW and SSB.
3elem beam plus dipoles and 500w TX.
QSL's are still available via F6AJA my manager from that time. 

Operating from Banié Island. We came there for vtwo days with some friends on a small speed boat.
I operate TR0A for a total of 2000 QSO's .
Vertical IC7400 and Heithkit SB220.

A lot of good friends !

TR0AB Banié Isl.

TR8GM Guy...

Gerard TR8JD..

Jacky F6BBJ operating at TR8JD